Just like for the vast majority of people, my life is a series of ups and downs, and usually some combination of worry tinged with enjoyment, or enjoyment tinged with worry.
Although I sincerely do believe that "every complaint represents an opportunity for change", all too often things begin and end with the complaint and nothing changes (meaning I complain, and then I don't make a move to change anything.) Or, if I do choose to do something, it too frequently winds up feeling like I am tilting at windmills.
A couple of things happened that have caused me to reflect and question. First, I landed in hospital for emergency gall bladder surgery in May (turns out I did have gall stones and the ultrasound last year just didn't show them - so, five more attacks later, I was finally diagnosed with a stone lodged in my bile duct shutting down my liver...) I could not feel sorry for myself, in fact, I felt downright lucky to be dealing with such relatively minor surgery with quick recovery time. The hospital bed I landed in was on the cardiac ward and I was far younger and healthier than the patients getting their chests cracked open for by-pass surgery. Heavens above, please, may I never have to face that prospect.
I was recovered from surgery and able to make it to southern California two weeks later for an advanced coaching course that I had been looking forward to since last fall. I spent a wonderful week on a ranch outside San Luis Obispo working with some of the best coaches in the business - people from all over the world from whom I learned so much.
I got some feedback that confirmed for me I may have become too identified with my "Burning Woman" persona. The lead facilitator told me from my first e-mail communication that she got the impression of a "Valkyrie Warrior", and the co-facilitator said the required written work I sent in advance gave her the impression of someone who was an "Angry Sage." Definitely some things to work on here, obviously! I don't want my dominant vibe to be angry warrior, no matter how wise!
When I got home, I looked into the whole "Valkyrie Warrior" mythology, because something grabbed my attention about that label. I definitely related to the story of Brunhild, the Valkyrie warrior princess who disobeyed her parents and got put to sleep in a castle surrounded by a ring of fire - that only a true hero could cross to reach her and cut off her chainmail armour, thereby releasing her.
I found this image that I thought captured Brunhild, and I like it because the warrior looks fierce, but calm and peaceful.

That's what I am going for these days - still fierce, but calm and at peace. It's a work in progress! And I just might have to change the name of my blog.
Todo bien. (It's all good.)