Mid-life has been giving me tons of grief for about 5 years now. Menopause for the last 3 years has been particularly brutal.
Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) has successfully addressed some of the worst symptoms (severe hot flashes and insomnia), but has failed to touch the issues of edema (water retention and associated puffiness and swelling in my face, feet/ankles and hands) and weight gain (water and fat) all over, but especially around my midriff. Not much ages a woman the way the lost of her waistline does. That really signals "youth is
o-v-e-r". Depressing.
I've had success in dropping weight following the Atkins Diet principles in the past (by eating much more protein and zero refined carbs) but it no longer seems to have the same effect for me. My mid-life body seems much more adept at hanging onto its water and fat deposits!
I'd heard about the "Dukan Diet" and know someone who was having good success following that plan. I thought I better check it out, so downloaded Dr.Pierre Dukan's book onto my Kindle and started reading on February 1st (the start of a new month seems like a good time to change habits).
He certainly has nailed the problems of menopausal women like me re: water retention, puffiness, and stubborn weight gain! But man, this sounds like one tough regimen. He doesn't pull any punches - he's clear that the steps he's outlined must be followed
exactly or you will not get any results at all. Yeah, right, I thought.
I started following
parts of his plan - started eating only lean protein, eliminated ALL refined carbs, had the odd little bit of veggie, and drank much more water for about 3 days. In that time period, I fell off the Dukan wagon once and ate a few deep fried shrimp in batter. End result? I noticed NO changes whatsoever in how I was feeling or looking.
So, I thought I better get more serious if I was really going to give this a try. I am now sticking with the instructions of his "Attack Phase" and eating only lean protein and drinking lots of water. Two days in, and I can see the edema in my feet and ankles has
disappeared. This is encouraging!
I went online to his site and entered in all the weight history/current weight info and had it calculate my ideal weight, and how long it would take to reach it on this diet. I put my goal weight at 160 lbs and the Dukan site agreed and cited 161 lbs as my ideal weight...and said it will take 158 days to reach it!!!
This is going to test my patience and fortitude. But I am off to a good start in that my husband went to the local bakery this morning and brought home/ate a cinnamon bun...and I didn't even glance in that direction. I will just have to keep looking at my newly re-discovered ankle bones for inspiration and commitment.
Todo bien. (It's all good.)