The occasion was my husband's upcoming 60th birthday - a great reason to celebrate with your pals! Here we all are on the deck: D. & C., J. & S., R. & D., R. & H. (H. took this photo, so she is not in it, unfortunately).
We weren't too long into our visit (or the vino!), before several pals virtually simultaneously came up with "The Big Chill" analogy...we aren't able to get together all that often (usually once a year, around Christmas, for dinner) or for all that long. Every couple has busy lives and a multitude of commitments, which made the fact that every single one of them made it for this weekend very special. And it's nice that, unlike the movie, it did not take a death to bring us all together. (That's not the only difference...unfortunately we are all about 15 years older than the characters portrayed in "The Big Chill" - yikes, where HAS the time gone??).
We were so pleased with how much they all liked our place; we worked very hard on the final stages in order to prepare and be ready to "sleep 10" this weekend and turn meals out of the kitchen for the group.

Everything went off great, from birthday dinner (prime rib/yorkshire pudding and Black Forest cake) through to Sunday brunch - the combined efforts of all the gals paid off in an ongoing feast that started with their arrivals, and continues after their departures as they left us so much great food and excellent booze! We won't have to go into town or shop for days!
This place makes everyone relax - the laughs and conversation went on non-stop. A very happy time.
Good local friends M. & S., were able to stop by, but there were many dear friends who could not be physically present, BUT whom we keep present in our hearts and minds at all times (you know who you are, e.g., B. & S., R. & B., B. & M., L. & G., G. & C., B. & C., G. & M., S. & E., and many others whom we look forward to spending time with in the not-too-distant future!).
That is the whole point of having this island refuge, being able to share it with others who love it as much as we do.
Todo bien. (It's all good.)