This is not to say I am not extremely grateful for the circumstances and serendipity in my sometimes woebegone existence! On his deathbed, some of my (very circumspect) father's last words to me were "You were always an appreciative kid." I wasn't given much, so what came my way I really appreciated - be it attention, encouragement, or material things. I was always, and still am, grateful.
When I was in my late 20's, my then-husband and I had a lovely house with a swimming pool. It was glorious and, being a Pisces, I loved having my own swimming hole ("cement pond" for those who are old enough to remember "The Beverly Hillbillies"!).
We also had friends with boats; one in particular had a Miami Vice-style "cigarette boat" called "Night Moves" that went a zillion miles an hour with a roaring engine (other boaters hated the noise and wake it created). This pal loved zipping around the Gulf Islands in the summer with his mates - especially with us gals in bikinis adorning the bow of his boat. We called ourselves the "Boat Bitches" and revelled in our youth and imagined invincibility.
Many hours were spent lounging around the pool and we came up for a moniker for our bikini-clad selves in that setting as well - "Pool Sluts." We thought we were funny, as well as gorgeous!
Well, you can take the girl out of her pool, and off her friend's boat...but, once a Pool Slut and Boat Bitch, always one.

All I can do is own it!!
Todo bien. (It's all good.)
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