South, for us, means simple. Simple abode, simple lifestyle, fairly minimal and simple belongings...T-shirts, shorts, Crocs flip-flops, and bathings suits make up the majority of our clothing. Easy, breezy living - in 85 degree Fahrenheit temperatures with an endless blue sky, the invincible sun, exotic palm trees, and riotous, technicolour bouganvillia cascading over walls and sprouting out of every conceivable nook and cranny.
And the ocean - with an ever changing surf breaking on the soft, sandy shore. We tried to soak in and truly appreciate every moment of our time down south this winter, but the time just speeds by and it becomes a single blur of one, big, hot and sunny day-at-the-beach. One memory of a long, fabulous sunny day. It's fading as fast as my suntan.
Before we knew it, departure day was upon us. We had to come north because I was required to testify in a criminal trial, as a witness for the prosecution. We also needed to check in personally on 3 months of work on our cottage addition/renovation. A ton of work has been done in our absence and it's quite a transformation. We're really pleased, but there is still SO much to be done.

The interior finishing is about 50% complete, and it was the really m-e-s-s-y phase of dry walling. Oh my goodness, the coating of dry wall dust that's on everything...and the guys working on our place had done a lot of cleaning in anticipation of our arrival. But it's still a dirty, dusty mess and will be for quite a while. I spent the day washing down as much as I could and barely made a dent. There has been substantial progress, but it's still a mess, so I call that "prog-mess"!

I am happy with our wall paint colours - which range from a pale grey to a blue-tinged grey. I wanted a very neutral palette that I am calling "driftwood" - something that is restful and that reflects the natural surroundings. But I won't find this place at all restful until the renovation job is complete and the place is thoroughly clean!
Todo bien. (It's all good.)
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