My e-life (on-line business life) passed before my eyes as I realized the domain renewal deadline was yesterday, and it looked like my ISP web hosting provider had NOT renewed my domain name, despite being verbally reminded to do so last month. I kept my outward cool, despite being mentally plunged into despair at the thought that some vulture had been poised to steal my business name...and had succeeded - because I had trusted someone to do their job and they had failed.
This is one of my biggest challenges in life - trusting and relying on other people. It does seem to me that people let you down more often than they come through for you - even in situations where you are paying them and it is their professional responsibility to take the necessary actions.
We're 2 hours ahead of where my ISP is located, so we had some stressful time waiting for them to open so we could start phoning to find out what the "H E double toothpicks" was going on.
Turns out they HAD screwed up and, in doing a batch of domain renewals mine "slipped through the cracks." Luckily, they have a fail safe of holding the domain for 31 days post-lapse, so I have now been renewed and don't have to recreate my entire business with a whole new name and on-line presence, business cards, brochures etc...
I had flagged this in my November 2012 calendar and they are in for some MAJOR nagging next year, as I don't plan to go through this ever again.
Todo bien. (It's all good).
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