I wondered about her a lot over the years - how she was, where she was, what was she doing...had life been good to her? I certainly hoped so.
I assumed she had likely married and changed her last name so, even with the advent of the internet and Google search, it didn't occur to me to check the web. I mean, I myself had been married and changed my last name twice...I just thought it was a lost cause.
Then, one day I saw her name (she had kept her last name) and grown-up face on a highway billboard (she was running for political office), and we got in touch by e-mail. She was as thrilled as I was to reconnect. She'd wondered about me over the years as well. We were amazed we had both wound up living in the same city.
We finally got together in person over dinner last evening, and caught up on the last 44 years (88 years of life in total between the two of us!). We got a comfy booth and settled in for some serious talking.
She's an amazing, brilliant, accomplished person who's lived an incredible life full of achievement, contribution and international recognition. I am quite in awe of her, and so honoured and excited that we're going to stay in touch. We do have a lot of life experience in common, share similar views, and I feel we still have our friendship bond formed 44 years ago.
I am so glad to have her back in my life, and to no longer wonder and worry about whatever happened to...
Todo bien. (It's all good.)
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