Monday, November 14, 2011

Fresh Starts

Life is just too short to be carrying around painful burdens from the past; life is also way too l-o-n-g to waste it carrying around a load of hurt and resentment.

I was really strugging with some very old wounds and old pain from years past...somehow unable to put them down and let them go. I was letting this pain and these hurts define me...after all, who would I be without them? Who would I be without my past struggles and ongoing resentments?

Things recently came to a head for me, and I didn't want to carry on any longer thinking and feeling the way I had been - it wasn't working for me any more.

I took the advice of some trusted colleagues and enrolled in "The Hoffman Process" - an intensive 8 day retreat experience designed to help you truly transform yourself and your experience of life.

All I will say is that "The Process" is powerful. It really works, and I have been able to understand, release, and forgive with compassion. The shift created for and in me is permanent, and I will continue to use the practices and tools I learned.

Part of completing the "Process" is taking a special walk, and I did that this weekend.

A mix of Darkness and Light will always be present in my life, just as the beach-and-sky scene where I concluded my walk was a turbulent mix of lightness and dark.

And I'm okay with it.

Todo bien. (It's all good.)

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