My husband (the techno whiz) has it set up to record on the PVR/DVR (Personal/Digitial Video Recorder) and I watch the shows when I can, and mostly when he's not around (he claims not to like it - but he occasionally asks me about the current plot lines when he walks through the room and I have it on).
A girlfriend of mine back in university introduced me to the Y&R (that would be in the late 1970's) and I have followed it off and on ever since. Recording with the PVR means it now only takes 40 minutes to watch the one hour show, since I can zip past all the commercials - actually making this quite an efficient secret pleasure!
The Y&R sets are in major need of an update - the "Newman Ranch" set is particularly bad, and the "Tack House" on the ranch property, where Nick and Phyllis have lived, should be officially re-named the "Tacky House".
But, the clothes, hair and cosmetics more than make up for the outdated interior set design. I learned about Jane Iredale Cosmetics from the Y&R, as this is the brand the show's make up artists use, and those actresses always look great (especially the women who play the characters of Chloe, Sharon, and Phyllis).
I got a real kick out of the 2008 story line that set a few episodes in Bucerias, which was described as "a little Mexican fishing village in the middle of nowhere" where Victor Newman chose to disappear to for a while after his pregnant wife Sabrina died in a limo crash.
Just a few months before these Y&R plot twists, we had bought a condo in Bucerias (see photo included of the central Bucerias vicinity). I just hooted with laughter over the Y&R writers who had obviously never been there; this town is just 15 miles north of Puerto Vallarta - and is hardly the backwater portrayed on the show.
And then recovered alcoholic Nikki (Newman) Chow trying to locate Victor by pursuing him to that "little Mexican fishing village in the middle of nowhere" and spending all her time in a dive of a beachfront bar...where, predictably, she fell off the wagon for a while. I wish Bucerias had such a colorful dive bar! That would be hilarious. But, Bucerias is quite cosmopolitan and upscale - see my photo included of a typical Bucerias bar.
But, the show never fails to entertain me, so all is forgiven - tacky decor, ridiculous plots, and "magical travel" (the speed at which these people get back and forth from Wisconsin to Brazil is physics-defying - even for the Newman private jet!). And the whole series of Bucerias episodes just served to further bond me with the Y&R. Just don't get me started on wanting to be adopted by Katherine Chancellor. I'd be a much better "daughter" to her than Jill, and I'm dead sure I could run Chancellor Industries.
Todo bien. (It's all good.)
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