Summer took its time arriving on the Canadian West Coast this year, and it's still looking a bit iffy. All the more reason, when we do get some sunshine and warmth, to drop everything jump in the boat and get out on the water!
We had a flotilla of three boats out yesterday with a large group composed of bona fide "Mudgekins" (which is what us folks with places on little Mudge Island call ourselves) plus some brand new acquaintances (who were weekend visitors of one of the Mudgekins).
We were actually multi-tasking out there on the bounding main - socializing, dropping crab traps in the hope of catching dinner, visiting the famous Dinghy Dock Pub on Protection Island (near Nanaimo), and eventually getting the visitors to the floatplane terminal to catch their flight home to the big city.
With the crab traps dropped, we headed over to the pirate-themed Dinghy Dock Pub and took over a large table. Delicious food, refreshing drinks and conviviality ensued and, all too soon, it was time for the visitors to depart. One of the boat captains took the visitors over to the floatplane and then rejoined the rest of us who had stayed on at the Dinghy Dock Pub.
It was finally time to leave and check the crab traps; we called for the bill and were told it had been taken care of by the visiting guests of one of the Mudgekins! Unbelievable - the visitors had picked up a pretty enormous tab of a bunch of virtual strangers (did I mention we all like our grub and grog?!). We were just knocked out by their random act of kindness and were chagrined not to have realized at the time what they had done and been able to thank them in person.
I have connected with them by e-mail, but that didn't seem like enough, so this is my blog "shout out" to the kind folks who gave us all such an unexpected treat that was thoroughly appreciated!
We were further rewarded by Mother Nature (King Neptune?) as the crab traps were full and we each caught our limit of full size, male "keepers" which we brought home and communally boiled up.
Our generous new friends are welcome back any time, and we promise them a "crab fest" when they do return!
Todo bien. (It's all good.)
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