We moved home in early August. I've made progress in moving back into and re-setting up my home office while clearing out the crap, winnowing out the unwieldly, and purging the papers. I'm still nowhere near done, but it's sure a hell of a lot better than it was.

I was surprised to find I've gotten used to working off a laptop, and my home office PC set-up is unfamiliar to me and uncomfortable. I am having difficulty typing on my keyboard and even seeing my (comparatively speaking!) huge screen - funny, I guess my new reading glasses are actually better suited to laptop viewing. Then there's the whole issue of operating systems and software compatibility between XP (home office PC), compared to Vista on one laptop, and Windows 7 on my newest laptop. Technology. Sigh.
But, I'm under a deadline this week for completing a contract I've been tasked with, and must plunge back into working from my home office. Although, there is a temptation to fire up my Toshiba laptop and work from the kitchen eating bar as it would feel more comfortable. And I could watch John make pot roast.
Prior to the upheaval of the past few months, my working location of preference was always my home office. I'm pleasantly surprised by how well I adapted to not having an office, and to working from a number of places...from the little dining table in our Mexican condo, to a hotel room desk, to the kitchen table at our cottage. I realize I was getting used to being a laptop vagabond!
I hope I can retain some of that vagabond spirit and not get too anchored back into my home office.
Todo bien. (It's all good.)
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