I picked these blackberries up the road from our cottage. There weren't a lot of them and I had to do battle with hungry wasps competing for these juicy tidbits.
I carefully rinsed the road dust from my hard-won treasures and proudly announced to John "They're totally organic!" I think he took that as a challenge to make them less healthy, hence the trip to town (by boat) for the mini short cakes and whipping cream that created my downfall.
I don't have a scale at the cottage, but I can just feel my body has taken hold of those refined shortcake carbs and is not going to let go easily. I would have been better off, and happier, eating just the berries with a spoonful of whipped cream. The supermarket shortcake was just not worth it. A good reminder, really, that I am not missing much by skipping refined carbs.
I must have suspected the shortcake would leave a hollow feeling. While at the grocery store, I grabbed a bar of 85% cacao dark chocolate...for the next time temptation decides to visit. Chocolate never disappoints!
Todo bien. (It's all good.)
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