Saturday, December 24, 2011

Occidental Freeloading

This week we ran into friends (R & H) from back home who were down here on a pre-Christmas family vacation - staying in Nuevo at the Occidental Grand Vallarta. It was so nice to spend time with some pals who we had not seen in quite a while!

They invited us down to their resort to spend the afternoon yesterday. It's an all-inclusive and of course we weren't wearing the turquoise wristbands, so had to be "smuggled" in (which just means you try to act like you belong there, and always keep one wrist covered so security can't easily spot you as an outsider!).

The resort was very nice and we were most impressed with the food and drinks that R & H supplied us with poolside all afternoon. So many all-inclusives have so-so food and weak drinks, but not this place! We can recommend the Occidental Grand Vallarta on the basis of the food and beverages alone, but R & H's oceanfront room was very nice too.

We're looking forward to more visiting family and friends down here in 2012 - it can feel a bit lonely at times, even amid all the Canadian ex pats.

Feliz Navidad to all!

Todo bien. (It's all good.)

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