Sunday, January 30, 2011

Living in the Moment

Mexico provides many reminders to live in and enjoy the moment. We've learned not to count on anything staying the same from week-to-week, never mind from year-to-year.

The standing joke between John and me is if we see a particular item we think we might want/need - either on a grocery store shelf or on a gallery wall - get it. Don't put it off, not even for a day. It will not be there when you go back. We've learned this lesson the hard way with everything from mini propane cannisters, to pickled ginger, to clothes, to handcrafts and art.

On a larger scale, it saddens us to see past favourite restaurants closed and stores shuttered. We drove up to San Pancho yesterday specifically to visit the "Anthony Chetwynd Collection" store - a lovely gallery where we have bought a few modern treasures and antiques over the past three years. The gallery space was empty and deserted; we later heard Anthony closed up shop only a month ago and relocated to Cuernavaca. We'll miss our junkets to his gallery - it was full of fascinating pieces that we haven't seen anywhere else. One less reason to go to San Pancho now.

Restaurants where we enjoyed meals just 9 months ago are no longer in business (like the "Bistro Grill" in La Cruz), or have changed hands and are no longer providing the food/experience we remember (like "Sticky Fingers Wing Shack" in Marina Vallarta - give it a miss).

These circumstances just remind me that we are in control of nothing, and we have nothing except the current moment...and to use it to enjoy wherever we are, whatever we are doing, and whomever we are with.

Todo bien. (It's all good.)

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